Thursday, April 13, 2023

Pink Shoes Into the Vatican: A Vocations Sunday Prayer Service

Pink Shoes Into the Vatican: A Vocations Sunday Prayer Service

Sunday, April 30, 2023, 3:00pm-4:00pm
303 West Wesley Street
Wheaton, IL

On April 30, Vocations Sunday, the institutional church prays for an increase in vocations to the priesthood. But it ignores the women standing on the edge of the Roman Catholic Church, who have walked the extra mile only to find the door to leadership, decision-making, and ordination closed. So we are drawing attention to these women who are called by God: called to renewed priesthood; called to equality; called to full participation in the leadership of the church.

We will be displaying shoes to symbolize the women whose footsteps are missing as the church walks the synodal path, and whose footsteps are absent from the halls of power and ordained ministry.

We know these women, we are these women, and we walk with these women.

Will you join us at a witness/prayer service in Adams Park on April 30th? Although the shoes will be displayed for most of the afternoon, and you can also stop by our table for more information, shoe key rings, and light refreshments, the prayer service will be happening from 3-4 PM.

Thanks to the Women's Ordination Conference for helping to organize this event. For additional details, you can contact Julia Morrow at

Event Contact
Women's Ordination Conference
Julia Morrow

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