Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Analysis: The US Church is going broke. Here's why, and what it could mean

Analysis: The US Church is going broke. Here's why, and what it could mean

Catholic News Agency
May 6, 2020
By JD Flynn
Well into the pandemic’s grip on American public life, parishes and dioceses are preparing a return to some new kind of normal.
Masses are resuming, albeit for small numbers in limited circumstances. Catholic schools and universities are making plans to reopen in the fall. Regrettably, even the ordinary fault lines and debates among Catholics, somewhat muted in recent months, are beginning to be revived.
But while some acute effects of the pandemic will still shape the Church in the months to come, the collapsing global economy will have a far more enduring and dramatic impact on parishes, chanceries, and other Catholic ministries.
In other words, barring some kind of miraculous economic recovery, the Church, at least in the U.S., ain’t seen nothin’ yet.

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