Thursday, January 4, 2024

Make a resolution for the climate, for the sanctity of life


Climate activists in South Africa hold placards as they gather outside the Cape Town International Convention Center Sept. 13, 2023, during the Southern Africa Oil and Gas Conference to call for climate justice resistance against oil and gas corporations and an end to fossil fuels. Ahead of the COP 28 climate change conference, Catholic leaders in Africa called for decisive action aiming to save the continent. (OSV News photo/Esa Alexander, Reuters)

Make a resolution for the climate, for the sanctity of life

1 comment:

  1. The government has kept quiet about the real importance of space exploration. We have been miserably unsuccessful about taking care of our world. So we need to find another planet to migrate to that will support life. We will eventually get to the point where we will need to abandon Earth and move to a new planet.
