Saturday, June 10, 2023

Not a few bad apples—the barrel is rotten: Tom Doyle on clerical child abuse


Not a few bad apples—the barrel is rotten: Tom Doyle on clerical child abuse

UK Column [United Kingdom]

May 9, 2023

Read original article


Tom Doyle brings a wealth of knowledge, experience of both research and litigation, and a solid integrity to the examination of the abuse of children by clergymen in the Roman Catholic Church.

He speaks on this subject with an honesty, and courage that is peerless. His testimony is precise without being sensational. The analysis he outlines explains the role of church history, church government and church theology in creating this catastrophe.

The response from the bishops and cardinals is one of denial, cover-up, control and outright lies, often under oath. Despite all that has been revealed, they still refuse to address the horror of what has been done to the most vulnerable in society—little children. They do not grasp the lifelong suffering of the victims. Instead spending more time, care and resources on the abusers.

Every time a documentary is shown on TV, more victims come forward. Suicide, substance…

1 comment:

  1. whew, what an interview. Hard to see/hear but very very good
