Sunday, April 16, 2023

Women’s Ordination Worldwide Events Update


Women’s Ordination Worldwide

Events Update

Dear Media friends,

Right now women’s ordination is a hot topic in the Catholic Church. This special eNews is to let you know about coming events this week and on the horizon.

~WOW Communications

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Current Events

Monday April 17 | Online and in person

Faith, Feminism and Being Unfinished: The Question of Women’s Ordination

Georgetown University explores the writings of moral theologian Anne E. Patrick, SNJM (1941-2016).  A panel of theologians and thought-leaders will discuss her 1975 essay A Conservative Case for the Ordination of Women.

The event responds to the Vatican Synodal global call for inclusivity and expanded roles for women in the Church.

7:00 pm - 8:30 pm EDT online or in person

RSVP Register here

Tuesday April 18 | Online

The Formation of Catholic Feminist Identity: Where does the church still need to go when it comes to feminism, gender equality, and ordination justice?

Call to Action
hosts this  online presentation

Dr.  Jillian Plummer explores the formation of Catholic feminist identity during the post Vatican II era.  She looks through the lens of the work and legacy of women’s ordination advocate, Sr Betty Caroll, RSM.  

7:30 pm ET  | 6:30 pm CT | 5:30 pm MT | 4:30 pm PT

Online Register here

Wednesday April 19 | Online

Re-Centering the Altar: The Status of Women’s Ordination in the Catholic Church

Call to Action hosts a virtual panel that looks at ordination justice along with the status of women and marginalized genders in the Catholic Church.

Panelists: Kate McElwee, Women’s Ordination Conference, Deborah Rose-Milavec , and Katy Zatsick, Priest ARCWP

8:00 pm EDT

Online Register here

You must register to receive the event recording

Thursday April 20 | online

Women’s Priestly Ordination in the Catholic Tradition: The Subversive Praxis of RCWP

People’s Catholic Seminary
hosts this virtual event.

Through the alternative  ecclesiological model of RCWP, this forum examines RCWPs unique form of dissent. Without seeking rupture from the Church, RCWP holds transitionary space within a landscape of new forms of priesthood emerging across Christian churches.

Rev. Dianne Willman, RCWP South Africa, and Dr. Jakub Urbaniak, University College Dublin

1:00 pm - 2:30 pm ET

Zoom link here

Sunday April 30 | In Your Community

Vocations Sunday is coming: get the toolkit!

On Vocations Sunday, April 30, the institutional church prays for an increase in vocations to priesthood. But there is no shortage of potential priests. Women are ready, willing, and called to ordained ministry.

Inspired by Pink Shoes into the Vatican witnesses in New Zealand, we’ll be walking the walk for equality.  The symbol of empty shoes will offer a visual representation of vocations unanswered, those who have walked away, and those walking the prophetic edge of the church, longing for full equality for all of its members.

Join us! Download the comprehensive toolkit designed by WOW member group Women’s Ordination Conference. Learn how to take action in your local community, including a liturgy and social media resources.


October 3 - 6, 2023:

WOW’s Walk with Women

Watch here for news about our Walk and Vigil in Rome to mark the Vatican’s Synod on Synodality. It opens on October 4, 2023.

Plan to join us in Rome.

women’s ordination worldwide (wow):

Founded in 1996, WOW is an international network of groups whose current mission is the inclusion of Roman Catholic women in all ordained ministries. Founded on the principle of equality, WOW opposes all discrimination.

'There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. Galatians 3:28

wow is…

Women’s Ordination Worldwide (WOW) is an international leader in creative, prayerful action. We bring visibility to the need for equality of women in the Roman Catholic Church.

WOW draws national and international groups together in common cause to end global discrimination against women in the Church.

WOW now includes nearly 20 reform minded member groups from Australia, Austria, Canada, Colombia, France, Germany, Great Britain, India, Ireland, Portugal, and USA.

Learn about our member groups, Read More →

Learn about our campaign and mission, Read More →

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