I am so thrilled to introduce you to our new Digital Organizer, Anna Burnham! 

When I first met Anna she told me that her ministry is grassroots organizing -- bringing people together for collective action. Right away, I knew she would be a wonderful addition to the dynamic WOC team.

The work of a digital organizer is not only to amplify our mission, but also to strengthen the WOC community to empower one another. 

I have no doubt you will begin to see her mark on our communications, social media, and programs, as she brings her passion and experience to our movement. 

Anna Burnham is a writer, researcher, and organizer whose experiences in community and political organizing led her to attend Harvard Divinity School for her Master of Divinity degree. There, her study focused on all things religion, politics, public life, gender, social movements, Catholicism, and popular culture. 

Her master's thesis, "Sandwiches for the Picket Line, Potluck for the Protestors: Food, Community, and the Sacred, Hidden Labor of Feeding Social Movements," used Marxist, feminist, pop culture, and theological frameworks to examine how food and women's labor have sustained activism throughout history and how that work might be understood as sacred. 

She is passionate about making activist and political spaces more religiously and spiritually literate and making religious spaces (especially Catholic ones) more equitable, inclusive, and oriented towards justice. Raised amidst the farmlands of central Pennsylvania, she currently lives in Raleigh, North Carolina.

Over the next several months there will be many opportunities to meet Anna, including during our "Vocations Awareness Week" events (see below!), but feel free to introduce yourself and welcome Anna to WOC by sending her an email or send a message to her on our social media accounts!