Monday, January 28, 2019

Pope aims to ‘deflate’ expectations for abuse summit, says no to married priests

Pope aims to ‘deflate’ expectations for abuse summit, says no to married priests

Pope aims to ‘deflate’ expectations for abuse summit, says no to married priests
Pope Francis waves goodbye from his plane as he prepares to depart Tocumen Airport after a five-day visit, in Panama City, Sunday, Jan. 27, 2019. (Credit: AP Photo/Rebecca Blackwell.)
ABOARD THE PAPAL PLANE - Pope Francis has said he wants to “deflate” expectations for his Feb. 21-24 summit for presidents of bishops’ conferences on clerical sexual abuse, saying it’s mostly about transmitting a “catechesis” on the “drama” of abuse.
The pontiff also rejected the idea of optional celibacy for Catholic priests, though he did leave open the possibility of ordaining married men in remote locations and for specific sacramental purposes.
Asked about his expectations for the summit, Francis said the initiative was born in the C9, a group of cardinals that advise him on reform of the government of the Church. Three of those cardinals were removed late last year, two of them over allegations of either covering up abuse or of having sexually abused minors.

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