Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Opinion Why 2018 Was the Best Year in Human History!

Why 2018 Was the Best Year in Human History!

Once again, the world’s population was living longer and living better than ever before.
Nicholas Kristof
Opinion Columnist
The world is, as everyone knows, going to hell, but there’s still the nervous thrill of waiting to see precisely which dark force will take us down. Will the economy collapse first, the ice sheets melt first, or chaos and war envelop us first?
So here’s my antidote to that gloom: Let me try to make the case that 2018 was actually the best year in human history.
Each day on average, about another 295,000 people around the world gained access to electricity for the first time, according to Max Roser of Oxford University and his Our World in Data website. Every day, another 305,000 were able to access clean drinking water for the first time. And each day an additional 620,000 people were able to get online for the first time.

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