Thursday, May 26, 2022

Cardinal Cupich: The Second Amendment did not come down from Sinai

 May 25, 4:02 pm


  1. The 2nd amendment is one sentence long. A key phrase in the amendment is "Well regulated". Why is it that a group of gun owners object to any regulation at all. It is those gun owners who are not following the constitution which explicitly calls for regulation and are not patriotic. Until the conservatives who object to regulation develop a backbone and become followers of the constitution instead of the gun manufacturers lobby, we will have daily murders of the innocents. The conservatives need to listen to the words of Jesus "You can not serve God and mammon.

  2. The Second Amendment clearly states that the right to own guns is given to those who form the well-regulated militia. Before anyone applies to buy a gun should first be required to join the National Guard, participate in boot camp and yearly training, and be prepared to be called into service when the need arises. The Second Amendment ties the right to own a gun to service in the militia. Too bad that the lawyers and courts have not looked at the amendment closely.
